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"We are surrounded by captivating beauty and wisdom from the world around us. My goal is to translate these delights into accessible illustrations and share them with you."


Draw With Meg

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Drawing Animals & Insects at the Wagner Free Institute of Science


Fridays 2/14/25 - 3/14/25


Explore and draw the fascinating collection of insects & animals win the collection.


Nature Journaling Series


Tyler Arboretum

515 Painter Road,
Media, PA 19063


Fridays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

10am - 12pm


Nature journaling is a wonderful tool for observing and recording the flora and fauna around us. Utilizing our inner scientists, writers, and artists, we will learn to capture the intricate details we find. These four classes will provide an encouraging and supportive atmosphere to learn the tools and techniques for observing, recording, and sketching our surroundings at Tyler Arboretum. Each class will explore a new area in the Arboretum.  Participants can sign up for a single class or enroll in the full 4-class series for a deeper dive into the subject.​


Drawing Pollinators After Hours with Meg Lemieur


Morris Arboretum

100 E Northwestern Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19118


Tuesdays, June 3, 10, 17

6pm - 8pm


This workshop will guide you to draw these beautiful and important creatures by breaking down animal forms to their most basic shapes and learning to draw all your favorite details. From bats to bees to leaping lemurs, we will share lots of fun pollinator facts all while relaxing outside at Morris Arboretum & Gardens.

Upcoming Exhibits

Wildy Wonderful



     Community Music School


     775 W. Main St,

     Trappe, PA 19426


     Jan & Feb 2025

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